Vroom or Doom

I am not a mechanic. Sure, I cover basics like an oil change or re-filling fluids, but when 180-degree coolant blast across my engine bay,...

Thursday, November 14, 2019


As my PR case studies class knows I try to have a green thumb. I own a small garden of succulents and other arid plants and am excited to expand. It sounds weird, right? I’m not sure what I like about growing a personal garden. I think it’s as simple as an appreciation for the wacky ways each species grows and thrives. Like camels, most succulents can store water to survive. This is awesome for me because I only have to water the plants once a week. There are so many different looks and feels to plants and I don’t have to go buy more when I want to expand or add some green in the house.

Most of the plants I own propagate easily. All you have to do is cut a leaf and in a few weeks, it grows its own roots. This makes owning a garden low maintenance and replaceable. Unlike a pet, the only love a plant needs is re-potting when the soil gets old (when the nutrients are gone) and making sure each stalk doesn’t suffocate their neighbor. I think it’s funny how most of these species like to grow close together, but also overtake each other. The roots weave and make a group stronger while each plant races to get the best light.

The most rewarding part of growing plants comes with patience. Seeing the progress of a plant can feel like watching paint dry. When you see roots start to take or a new bud emerge though, you feel like the process was something you accomplished. Think about when you teach your dog a new trick or see them grow from a puppy into an adult. Being there every step of the way and looking back means the world. I’m not saying I love my plants more than dogs but I also can’t afford a vet bill. Lucky for me, I found something to take of that I can leave for a while without feeling guilty.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Be Thankful

Halloween had come and passed. So what is the next holiday everyone is excited about? Christmas. Thanksgiving is a weird in-between when fall is browner and no one is very excited. The food is great, but our family usually has the same stuff a month later with less of a focus on turkey. Some people wait to put out Christmas decorations until after the holiday, but I know the obnoxious tunes and stampedes for discounted electronics are right around the corner.

It seems ironic to give thanks for what you have, then immediately buy stuff no one needs the next day. Don’t get me wrong, there are things I love about Christmas. The food, the family and the snow are all welcome. Not before late November. What I can’t stand is the consumer culture which kills people and my soul each year. Amazon and other online retailers literally manufactured a holiday to make more money. Cyber Monday is great if you need to update things or get a present you held off on. It shouldn’t be such a shit show to drive sales. Need proof? At least one person dies each year over a TV or some other junk at a Walmart.

I think on reason some people turn into a scrooge around the holidays is because of what the time has come to mean. The religious significance is great and I’ll sing silent night, but the need for stuff and constant marketing put ware people down. I’m thankful for thanksgiving. It comes with a nice break and I can spend time thinking about what really matters in my life before I go through two months of jingle bells and Mariah Carey.